Are you an American citizen? Are you planning to get your fiancee to the US? My name is Jackie Easley and welcome to my channel. In today's video, we will be talking about filing a petition for your fiancee. The first step that you must do is to check the eligibility requirements. Spread that I have a separate video offer you if you wanted to check that out or if you are eligible. So for now, we'll just gonna focus on the requirements for you to file a petition. Now, after checking the eligibility requirements and if you think that you are ready to file a petition, all you have to do is you have to obtain a form from the USCIS website. I'll post the link right here so that you can verify and also obtain a form from their website. The name of the form is i-129f or it's known as petition for alien fiancee. So, you must also include a form which is g-1145 which is also known as the notification of application or petition acceptance. Alright, you also have to check out as well the edition date. But when you go to the website directly, it's reliable because what they have actually posted right there is the most updated form. So, you don't have to worry about it, okay? Now, if you are wondering where you should set this petition or where to file, I'm also going to post the address right here. There are actually two. So, the first thing is you have to file a form i-129f at the USCIS Dallas lock facility. Now, you already know where to file your pick based on those address that I have shown you earlier. Next thing that we have to talk about is the filing tips for the form i-129f....
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I-129f checklist 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Fiancée(é) is the spouse of a U.S. citizen · 4. The foreign spouse has legal rights under U.S. law · 5. If the foreign spouse does not have legal rights under U.S. law, you may want to submit the following documentation to the U.S. consulate where the foreign spouse will apply for the green card · 6. Proof of the filing of a petition for a green card (Form I-485) · 7. A visa sticker with the fiancé's photograph · 8. Evidence of receipt of green card to the United States · 9. Support letters from the foreign spouse in support of the green card application · 10. Evidence of the foreign spouse's U.S. visa status before and after a marriage to a U.S. citizen · 11. Evidence that the foreign spouse received the spouse's green card · 12. Evidence that the foreign spouse has been a U.S. citizen and resided in the United States for 2 years prior to the date of filing · 13. Evidence that the spouse is a minor or an incapacitated minor · 14. Evidence of the foreign spouse has not previously been granted an I-485(B) or a K–1 Visa. Checklist, Form I-129FF-C, Supporting Documentation. If you have questions about your filing, please contact the consulate where you are filing and see USCIS-Consulate Offices. Sep 13, 2025 — Checklist #3 — I-129F Supporting Documents · 1. Evidence that the foreign spouse has legal rights under U.S. law · 2. If the foreign spouse does not have legal rights under U.S. law, you may want to submit the following documentation to the U.S. consulate where the foreign spouse will apply for the green card. · 3. The foreign spouse has had a marriage terminated outside the United States and the foreign spouse has not filed a petition for a green card. The foreign spouse must have filed the petition for a permanent visa in the United States before the date on the “CERTIFICATE OF FILING,” if the foreign spouse also lives in the United States. A petition for a green card to allow the foreign spouse permanent residence in the United States, is available from USCIS before filing Form I-485(E).
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing I-129f checklist 2025